Tooth Preservation in Augsburg

The area of tooth preservation in Augsburg combines all measures and treatments aimed at preserving natural teeth for as long as possible and preventing tooth loss.

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Professional Teeth Cleaning - GBT® Certified

The professional teeth cleaning in our practice is certified according to Guided Biofilm Therapy® (GBT®). The goal is to eliminate all biofilm-related problems, such as caries and periodontitis, through thorough and systematic cleaning. It is therefore an important part of tooth preservation.

The GBT® method is based on the use of the latest instruments and technologies, which enable gentle and effective cleaning.

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Periodontitis Treatment

Periodontitis is a disease of the periodontium in which bacteria accumulate in the periodontal pockets and can lead to inflammation. Periodontitis treatment is a procedure to stop the inflammation and preserve the periodontium.

  • Periodontitis is a chronic disease of the periodontium that cannot be completely cured.

    The goal of treatment is to stop the inflammation and thereby bring the disease under control.

  • Periodontitis treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In general, periodontitis treatment involves several steps such as "scaling and root planing".

    Here, hard and soft deposits are removed under the gum line and on the root surfaces.

    Regular professional tooth cleaning and check-up appointments as well as consistent oral hygiene at home ensure the long-term success of the treatment.

  • The basis is a thorough cleaning of the teeth and gums, also with dental floss or interdental brushes.

    Dental examinations and regular professional teeth cleaning further reduce the risk.

    If you already have periodontitis, we will work with you to take individual steps to improve your cleaning routines so that the periodontitis can be brought under control.

Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is an endodontic dental procedure that involves removing the inflamed or infected tissue from inside a tooth to relieve pain and save the tooth.

  • A tooth consists of three layers: enamel, dentin and pulp tissue.

    The pulp tissue, which is inside the tooth, contains nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue.

    When bacteria enter the pulp tissue through caries or an injury, it can lead to infection or inflammation. During a root canal treatment, we remove the infected or inflamed pulp tissue, clean and disinfect the root canal containing the pulp tissue, and fill it with a special filling.

    This process protects the tooth from further infection and allows it to function normally.

    In some cases, a crown is also placed on the tooth for extra protection.

  • A root canal can be uncomfortable during the procedure, but is usually not painful.

    However, there may be some mild pain and sensitivity after the root canal, but this can be managed with painkillers and/or cold or heat applications.

    Usually, there should be these symptoms subside within a few days.

  • The duration of a root canal treatment depends on various factors, such as the number of root canals, the severity of the infection or inflammation, and the position of the tooth in the mouth.

    Typically, a root canal treatment lasts between 1 and 2 hours.

    In some cases, it may be necessary to schedule multiple sessions for a root canal treatment, especially if the infection is severe or the tooth has more complex root canals.

Fissure Sealing

The chewing surfaces of the molars can sometimes have small indentations and grooves, which are also known as fissures. In special cases, fissure sealants help to seal the indentations and grooves on the chewing surfaces of the molars to protect them from tooth decay.

  • Fissure sealing is usually useful if the chewing surfaces of the molars have deep fissures and grooves that are difficult to clean and therefore pose a higher risk of tooth decay.

    Fissure sealing is often recommended for children and adolescents in particular, as their molars usually have deep fissures and they may have difficulty cleaning them thoroughly.

    Fissure sealants can help reduce the risk of tooth decay and protect teeth from damage. Adults can also benefit from fissure sealants, particularly those at higher risk of tooth decay or those who find it difficult to thoroughly clean their molars.

    However, it is important to note that fissure sealants are not a substitute for thorough oral hygiene and that regular dental visits and professional teeth cleanings remain important to maintain dental health.

  • Nein, eine Fissurenversiegelung ist in der Regel schmerzfrei und unkompliziert. In einigen seltenen Fällen kann es zu vorübergehenden Empfindlichkeiten oder leichten Beschwerden kommen, die jedoch in der Regel schnell wieder abklingen.

  • First, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and dried.

    A special solvent is then applied to the fissures to roughen the surface and improve adhesion of the sealant.

    After the surface has dried, the seal is applied and cured with a special lamp.

    The sealing can last for several years and should be checked in control appointments.

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